Growing up in the valleys of the Blue Mountains Vanessa Heinitz has always been a songwriter at heart. Vanessa released her debut EP Willow Tree in early 2013. With changing influences, Vanessa now has a blend of indie-Pop-Rock, whilst also still embracing more folk/Country Stylings. Lyrics and Story telling remain vital to her songwriting.
Quitting her 9-5 job in May 2013, to follow her passion was the best decision she ever made, as she now works as a full time musician in and around Sydney, as well as while cruising the South Pacific, and overseas.
What A Shame - OUT NOW on Bandcamp, iTunes, Google Play and Spotify
With a lyrical theme resonating that of Alanis Morisette’s Jagged Little Pill, Sydney based singer songwriter Vanessa Heinitz is back with her new single WHAT A SHAME released August 30, 2018. Returning again to the studio with Michael McGlynn at Vienna People (Little May, L-Fresh the Lion), WHAT A SHAME, instantly captures you with a singalong hook, and powerful lyrics.
WHAT A SHAME has a strength that both reminisces on the good times, while carelessly saying “We could have been something special / but you just let go / of all that could have been … and darlin’ what a shame”.
With a gritty bass line & drums driving the song, hypnotic synths, and catchy hooks, WHAT A SHAME is a high energy Pop-Rock tune. Mastered by Grammy Award winning producer William Bowden (Gotye).

Singer-Songwriter | Acoustic | Original Music | New Release